



Compensation trends of the angulation of first molars

收藏 分享 2014-7-3 16:06| 发布者: pandash| 查看数: 3328| 评论数: 0|原作者: 苏红,韩冰,李飒,那宾,马雯,许天民*|来自: International Journal of Oral Sciience

摘要: 通过一千多例患者的头影测量分析,探讨第一磨牙在不同年龄段、不同前后向错(牙合)患者、不同垂直向错(牙合)患者群体中的代偿规律。

We investigated the compensatory trends of mesiodistal angulation of first molars in malocclusion cases. We compared differences in the angulation of first molars in different developmental stages, malocclusion classifications and skeletal patterns. The medical records and lateral cephalogrammes of 1 403 malocclusion cases taken before treatment were measured to evaluate compensation of molar angulation in relation to the skeletal jaw. The cases were stratified by age, Angle classification and skeletal patterns. Differences in the mesiodistal angulation of the first molars were compared among the stratifications. We observed three main phenomena. First, angulation of the upper first molar varied significantly with age and tipped most distally in cases aged ,12 years and least distally in cases aged.16 years. The lower first molar did not show such differences. Second, in Angle Class II or skeletal Class II cases, the upper first molar was the most distally tipped, the lower first molar was the most mesially tipped, and opposite angulation compensation was observed in Class III cases. Third, in high-angle cases, the upper and lower first molars were the most distally tipped, and opposite angulation compensation was observed in low-angle cases. These data suggest that the angulation of the molars compensated for various growth patterns and malocclusion types. Hence, awareness of molar angulation compensation would help to adjust occlusal relationships, control anchorage and increase the chances of long-term stability.

 International Journal of Oral Science advance online publication, 4 April 2014; doi:10.1038/ijos.2014.15

Keywords: Angle classification; angulation; compensation; first molar; growth stages; malocclusion; sagittal skeletal patterns; vertical skeletal patterns


网上版 Compensation trends of the angulation of first molars retrospective study.pdf







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