


口腔正畸疗效评价标准推广网 首页 优秀临床论文鉴赏


Compensation trends of the angulation of first molars
2014-7-3 16:06
Correlations between cephalometric and photographic measurements of ......
2012-6-30 19:42
Cephalometric Superimpositions
2011-10-30 21:18
Mandibular Growth Changes and Cervical Vertebral Maturation
2011-10-30 21:09
Facial attractiveness: Ranking of end-of-treatment facial photographs ......
Facial attractiveness: Ranking of end-of-treatment facial photographs by pairs of Chinese and US orthodontists Tian-Min Xu, Edward L, Korn, Yan Liu, Hee Soo Oh, Ki Heon Lee, Robert L. Boyd and Sheldon ...
2011-8-23 09:05
Comparison of Chinese and US orthodontists' averaged evaluations......
Comparison of Chinese and US orthodontists’ averaged evaluations of ‘‘facial attractiveness’ from end-of-treatment facial photographs Yan Liu, Edward L. Korn, Hee Soo Oh, Helmer Pearson, Tian-Mi ...
2011-8-23 07:59
Preliminary Investigation of Nonsurgical Treatment of Severe......
Preliminary Investigation of Nonsurgical Treatment of Severe Skeletal Class III Malocclusion in the Permanent DentitionAbstract: The purpose of the study was to analyze the effects of nonsurgical trea ...
2011-7-6 23:16
A cephalometric evaluation of hard and soft......
A cephalometric evaluation of hard and soft......
A cephalometric evaluation of hard and softtissue changes during class III tractionEuropean Journal of Orthodontics 7 (1985) 201-204 1985 European Orthodontic SocietyAbstractSummary. In this retrospec ...
2011-7-6 22:30
Comparison of intermaxillary tooth size discrepancies ......
Comparison of intermaxillary tooth size discrepancies ......
Comparison of intermaxillary tooth size discrepancies among different malocclusion groupsAbstract:The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a prevalent tendency for intermaxillary t ...
2011-7-6 21:56
Tooth movement after orthodontic treatment with 4 second premolar extractions
Introduction: This retrospective study was designed to investigate the position changes and movement patterns of incisors and molars after orthodontic treatment with extractions of 4 second premolars ...
2011-6-18 19:22
Effect of maxillary incisor labiolingual inclination ...
Effect of maxillary incisor labiolingual inclination and anteroposterior position on smiling profile esthetics.
2011-6-18 16:54
A randomized clinical trial (RCT) comparing control of maxillary anchorage
This pilot randomized clinical trial investigated the relative effectiveness in anchorage conservation of the "en masse" and "two-step" retraction techniques during the treatment of maximum an ...
2011-4-17 08:58

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