




收藏 分享 2013-10-25 17:07| 发布者: tmxuortho| 查看数: 8336| 评论数: 0

摘要: 生理性支抗控制理念在横向错合矫治中的应用

发言题目:4D Molar Control in Transverse Discrepancy Correction


Lecture Description(<600 characters/space) 讲座简介

Expansion or contraction of dental arch challenges the alveolar boundary and therefore is controversial in our field. But just like we can correct excess overjet or crossbite for anterior teeth in sagittal direction without changing maxilla or mandible much, transverse correction may work the similar way in addition to the advantage of the possibility of mid-palatal suture opening in growing patient. With the same philosophy of Physiologic Anchorage Control (PAC) in sagittal direction, 4D molar control in transverse correction will be discussed in this lecture. 

Learning Objective 1(max 115 characters/spaces) * 学习要点1

Attendees will be able to recognize the transverse correction relates to other two dimensional control.

 Learning Objective 2(max 115 characters/spaces) * 学习要点2

Attendees will be able to realize the role of jaw growth and dental compensation in transverse correction

演讲时间:2014年4月29日,上午 45 分钟,具体时间待定

专场名称: Master Clinicians On How to Manage Transverse Problems(临床大师谈横向控制)







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