Physiologic Anchorage
Control (生理性支抗控制) At last orthodontists
find the strongest anchorage---implant anchorage to change patient’s face!
However, with the wide application of CBCT technology, we see more and more
incisor roots moving out of alveolar bone. Then our specialty faces the
question how to balance the facial esthetics and periodontal health. This
lecture based on a CBCT study on 14 cadaver heads and several other
cephlometric studies on 4 bicuspids extraction cases will discuss the
limitation of teeth movements. The lecturer advises a physiologic anchorage
control philosophy. Learning
演讲时间:2013年5月7日 上午8:30~9:00,地点:美国费城 演讲组别:当代世界正畸最新技术(state of the Art: Orthodontics Around the World )
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