




收藏 分享 2011-10-30 19:35| 发布者: yingying995| 查看数: 13405| 评论数: 0|原作者: 许天民

摘要: Integrating Classical Anchorage-Protection Techniques with Low Friction Appliance Therapy Tip-back bends were widely employed in classical anchorage techniques such as those of Tweed and Begg. Howe ...

Integrating Classical Anchorage-Protection Techniques with Low Friction Appliance Therapy


May 8 at 1:15pm for 30 minutes as part of the topic group Self Ligation.


Tip-back bends were widely employed in classical anchorage techniques such as those of Tweed and Begg. However, conventional tip back bends cannot be used on the thin NiTi wires that are employed in the early stages of current low friction self-ligating techniques. Clearly, the maintenance of anchorage control still remains a problem even with modern low friction techniques, witness the ever increasing use of TADs in contemporary orthodontics. What if we carefully control molar anchorage from the very beginning of treatment by using classical tip-back mechanics in conjunction with a light force low friction system? This lecture will discuss how we can use classical anchorage in conjunction with modern low-friction techniques.


Learning Objectives

  • Understanding how modern orthodontic appliances cause forward tipping of molars.
  • Understanding the importance of tip-backs for control of molar anchorage
  • Understanding how to take advantage of differential moments and inter-dental ligament forces to reduce anchorage loss






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