




收藏 分享 2011-4-22 18:16| 发布者: tmxuortho| 查看数: 8997| 评论数: 0

摘要: WFO在承认一个中国的原则下与COS签署了谅解备忘录

Memorandum of Understanding


the World Federation of Orthodontists


the Chinese Orthodontic Society


After lengthy negotiations, the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and the Chinese Orthodontic Society (COS) have reached the following agreements:


1.        The WFO is a non-government organization. Its membership consists of affiliate national and regional organizations as well as individual fellows. Regarding national or regional affiliate organizations, it is possible that more than one organization (association or society) from one country can be accepted, if qualified.


2. The WFO accepts the COS as an affiliated organization.


3. The WFO Executive Committee recognizes the “One China Principle”. Based on this policy, the WFO added “CHINA” in its listing of countries. Accordingly, the Chinese Orthodontic Society (COS), the Taiwan Association of Orthodontists (TAO), the Hong Kong Society of Orthodontists (HKSO) and the Macau Association of Orthodontics (MAO) will be listed in alphabetical order under the country “CHINA”, whenever and wherever such a listing is used, as in following:


            Chinese Orthodontic Society

            Hong Kong Society of Orthodontists

            Macau Association of Orthodontics

            Taiwan Association of Orthodontists


4.  In conformance with Article 6.7 of the WFO bylaws it should be noted that all representatives in the WFO Council will be determined by mutual agreement of the above-mentioned four organizations of the country.


5. The WFO will not allow the flags, emblems and anthems representing any country to appear in any international occasion organized by the WFO with the exception of those of the host country of the International Orthodontic Congress. The WFO accepts that, in all sessions and documented activities, in its printed and electronic publications, and in any other activities, all matters related to COS, HKSO, MAO and TAO will be handled strictly in accordance with the content of this document.


This Memorandum of Understanding, constitutes the only agreement between the WFO and the COS, done in duplicate in English and Chinese languages both being equally authentic signed in duplicate on August 6th 2009, shall enter into force as of the day of signature.



Prof. Athanasios E. Athanasiou                                                                                       Prof. Tian-Min Xu

President WFO                                                                                                                  President COS







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