Adult treatment___________________ African American cephalometric norms Alveolar ridge for implants__________ Anterior facial height Arch form Arch length discrepancy____________ Assessing hand-wrist radiographs_____ Bicuspid extraction treatment________ Bimaxillary protrusion "Black triangles" / tooth morphology Blocked out canines________________ Bruxism Class II, Division 1 malocclusion_____ Class II, Division 2 malocclusion_____ Class III malocclusion______________ Closed bite_______________________ Congenitally missing premolars______ Deep overbite_____________________ Dental age vs skeletal age vs chronological age Dental midline deviations___________ Diastema_________________________ Early loss of primary teeth___________ Ectopic canines____________________ Endodontically treated teeth_________ Excessive spacing__________________ Facial asymmetry__________________ Facial type classification____________ Frenum management Functional shift___________________ Growth patterns___________________ "Gummy" smile Hand wrist radiographs_______ Impacted canine____________ Implants___________________ Incisor crowding____________ Lateral open bite____________ Mandibular asymmetry_______ Mandibular retrognathia______ Maxillary deficiency Maxillary protrusion_________ Missing mandibular incisor Missing molars_____________ Missing teeth_______________ Open bite__________________ Orthodontic relapse__________ Orthognathic surgery________ Over erupted incisors________ Over retained primary teeth Posterior crossbite___________ Posterior discrepancy_________ Primary failure of eruption Retained primary molars______ Root resorption_____________ Severe rotations_____________ Space maintenance__________ Subdivision classification_____ Surgical procedures__________ Third molars TMD Tongue thrust habit_________ Upper lip to incisor relationship
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